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Mysteries that couldn’t be revealed until now: bestseller Jonathan Cahn’s long-awaited documentary ‘The Harbingers of Things to Come’

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Set for release on May 12, 2022, this explosive documentary will answer the questions the smash worldwide ‘Harbinger’ series left behind NEW YORK—Ever since “The Harbinger” by New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn was released in 2011, followed by “The Harbinger II: The… Read More »Mysteries that couldn’t be revealed until now: bestseller Jonathan Cahn’s long-awaited documentary ‘The Harbingers of Things to Come’

Catastrophic 2020 was no coincidence; bestselling author unlocks ancient mysteries in explosive new documentary ‘The Harbingers of Things to Come’

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An ancient biblical template pointed to the current shakings and turmoil now gripping America — and there’s more to come NEW YORK — Is it a coincidence that 2020 ushered in a devastating pandemic, division, civil disorder, a paralyzing lockdown, and an… Read More »Catastrophic 2020 was no coincidence; bestselling author unlocks ancient mysteries in explosive new documentary ‘The Harbingers of Things to Come’

Ancient trees foretell looming judgment in 9/11 mystery unlocked in explosive new documentary ‘The Harbingers of Things to Come’

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New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn: America’s ‘Tree of Hope’ became ‘the fall of hope’ as an act of defiance against God NEW YORK — As hot dust settled after the Twin Towers collapsed on 9/11, a sycamore tree in a nearby cemetery… Read More »Ancient trees foretell looming judgment in 9/11 mystery unlocked in explosive new documentary ‘The Harbingers of Things to Come’

Is an ancient mystery behind the COVID-19 pandemic and other calamities from 2020?

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Jonathan Cahn reveals the links between the pandemic and an ancient principle in astonishing new documentary NEW YORK — New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn revealed a stunning link behind the pandemic that has paralyzed much of the world—as well as other catastrophes from… Read More »Is an ancient mystery behind the COVID-19 pandemic and other calamities from 2020?

Have we seen the last shaking of America? Bestselling author Jonathan Cahn says, ‘Be ready for more to come’

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Jonathan Cahn unlocks ancient prophecy behind COVID-19, 9/11, financial collapse, and more in explosive new documentary New York — New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn’s book “The Harbinger II: The Return” revealed the ancient template behind the turbulent events that… Read More »Have we seen the last shaking of America? Bestselling author Jonathan Cahn says, ‘Be ready for more to come’

New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn announces explosive new documentary ‘The Harbingers of Things to Come’

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Stunning new motion picture reveals the mystery behind everything from 9/11 to COVID-19 to what lies ahead NEW YORK— Could COVID-19, 9/11, the financial collapse, and other shakings all be part of an ancient mystery? Are the shakings that have… Read More »New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn announces explosive new documentary ‘The Harbingers of Things to Come’